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Helferich, J.N., R. B. King, L. J. Faust, S. J. Baker, M. J. Dreslik, K. Otterbein, J. A. Moore, D. Wynn, T. A. Bell, R. L. Bailey, K. Wildman, G. Johnson, M. Kleitch, K. Cedar, R. A. Paloski, J. D. Choquette, J. M. Adamski, E. T. Hileman. 2024. Effects of climate change on individual growth rates and size in a threatened pit-viper. Climate Change Ecology.

McCluskey, E.M., F.C. Kuzma, H.D. Enander, A. Cole-Wick, M. Coury, D.L. Cuthrell, C. Johnson, M. Kelso,

Y. Lee, D. Methner, L. Rowe, A. Swinehart, J.A. Moore. 2024. Assessing habitat connectivity of rare species to inform urban conservation planning. Ecology and Evolution 14: e11105.


Swinehart, A., C. Partridge, A. Russel, A. Thacker, J. Kovach, J.A. Moore. 2023. Diet of a threatened rattlesnake (eastern massasauga) revealed by DNA metabarcoding. Ecology and Evolution 13(4): e10029.

Thacker, A., E.T. Hileman, P. Keenlance, E. M. McCluskey, A. Swinehart, J. Kovach, J.A. Moore. 2023. Modeling Occupancy and Detection Probabilities to Update the Status of Threatened Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake Populations. Global Ecology and Conservation 43: e02422.


Mancero, E.J., Valle, C.A., Rowe, J.W., Moore, J.A., and D.L. Clark. 2022. Sexual selection in San Cristobal Lava Lizards (Microlophus bivittatus): Male body size matters. Herpetologica 78(2):93-101.


Altobelli, J.A., P.B. Laarman, and J.A. Moore. 2021. First year survival of hatchling Eastern Box Turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina) at their northern range limit in Michigan’s Lower Peninsula. Journal of Herpetology 55 (4), 432-441.

Lamar, S.K., N. J. Nelson, J.A. Moore, H.R. Taylor, S.N. Keall, D.K. Ormsby. 2021. Initial collection, characterization, and storage of tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus) sperm offers insight into their unique reproductive system. PLoS One 16 (7), e0253628.

Bradke, D.R., J.T. Altobelli, A.L. Russell, C.P. Jaeger, and J.A. Moore. 2021. Low bottleneck detection in long-lived species despite lost genetic diversity: a case study of tuatara and eastern massasauga rattlesnakes. Journal of Heredity.


Kudla, N., E.M. McCluskey, V. Lulla, R. Grundel, and J.A. Moore. 2021. Intact island landscape promotes gene flow and low genetic structuring in the threatened Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake. Ecology and Evolution 2021;00:1–13.

Draheim, H.M., J.A. Moore, S.R. Winterstein, and K.T. Scribner. 2021. Spatial genetic structure and landscape connectivity in black bears: Investigating the significance of using different land cover datasets and classifications in landscape genetics analyses. Ecology and Evolution 11:978-989.


Qian, S., J. M. Refsnider, J. A. Moore, G. R. Kramer, and H. M. Streby. 2020. All tests are imperfect: Accounting for false positives and false negatives using Bayesian statistics. Heliyon 6(2020) e03571


Paterson, J.E., J. Baxter‐Gilbert, F. Beaudry, S. Carstairs, P. Chow‐Fraser, C.B. Edge, A.M. Lentini, J.D. Litzgus, C.E. Markle, K. McKeown, J.A. Moore, J.M. Refsnider, J.L. Riley, J.D. Rouse, D.C. Seburn, J.R. Zimmerling, and C.M. Davy. 2019. Road avoidance and its energetic consequences for reptiles. Ecology and Evolution 9: 9794-9803


Bradke, D.R., R.L. Bailey, J. F. Bartman, H. Campa III, C. Krueger, N. Kudla, Y. Lee, A. J. Thacker, and J. A. Moore. 2018. Sensitivity analysis using site-specific demographic parameters to guide research and management of threatened eastern massasaugas. Copeia 106(4): 600-610.

Bradke, D.R., E.T. Hileman, J. F. Bartman, L.J. Faust, N. Kudla, and J.A. Moore. 2018. Implications of small population size in a threatened pitviper. Journal of Herpetology 52: 387-397.

Laarman, P.B., P.W. Keenlance, J. Altobelli, C. Schumacher, P. Huber, J. Jacquot, and J.A. Moore. 2018. Ecology of neonate eastern box turtles with prescribed burning implications. Journal of Wildlife Management 82(7):1385–1395.

Waples, R.S., K.T. Scribner, J.A. Moore, H. Draheim, D. Etter, and M. Boersen. 2018. Accounting for age structure and spatial structure in eco-evolutionary analyses of a large, mobile vertebrate. Journal of Heredity 2018:709-723.

Draheim, H.M., J.A. Moore, M.J. Fortin, and K.T. Scribner. In press. Landscape genetic analysis of time series data reveal responses of American black bears to landscape change. Evolutionary Applications.


Hileman, E. T., M.C. Allender, D. R. Bradke, L. Faust, J.A. Moore, M. Ravesi, & S.J. Tetzlaff. 2017. Estimation of Ophidiomyces prevalence to evaluate snake fungal disease risk. Journal of Wildlife Management 82:173-181.

Hillman, T.L., P. Keenlance, J.A. Moore, B. Swanson, J. Jacquot, J. C. Witt, A. Cornman. 2017. Genetic diversity of reintroduced American martens in Michigan's lower peninsula. Journal of Mammalogy 98(5):1489–1496.

Delgado, M.L., P. Singh, J. Funk, J.A. Moore, E. Cannell, J. Kanefsky, S.D. Manning, K.T. Scribner. 2017. Intestinal microbial community dynamics of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in an agroecosystem. Microbial Ecology 2017:1-11.

Hileman, E. T., R. B. King, J. M. Adamski, T. G. Anton, R. L. Bailey, S. J. Baker, N. D. Bieser, T. A. Bell Jr, K. M. Bissell, D. R. Bradke, H. Campa III, G. S. Casper, K. Cedar, M. D. Cross, B. A. DeGregorio, M. J. Dreslik, L. J. Faust, D. S. Harvey, R. W. Hay, B. C. Jellen, B. D. Johnson, G. Johnson, B. D. Kiel, B. A. Kingsbury, M. J. Kowalski, Y. M. Lee, A. M. Lentini, J. C. Marshall, D. Mauger, J. A. Moore, R. A. Paloski, C. A. Phillips, P. D. Pratt, T. Preney, K. A. Prior, A. Promaine, M. Redmer, H. K. Reinert, J. D. Rouse, K. T. Shoemaker, S. Sutton, T. J. VanDeWalle, P. J. Weatherhead, D. Wynn and A. Yagi. 2017. Climatic and geographic predictors of life history variation in Eastern Massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus): A range-wide synthesis. PloS One 12(2): e0172011.​


Bartman, J., N. Kudla,  D. Bradke, S. Otieno, and J.A. Moore. 2016. Work smarter, not harder: Comparison of visual and trap survey methods for the eastern massasauga rattlesnake (Sistrurus catenatus). Herpetological Conservation and Biology 11:451-458.

Draheim, H.M., J.A. Moore, D. Etter, S.R. Winterstein, and K.T. Scribner. 2016. Detecting black bear source-sink dynamics using individual-based genetic graphs. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 283: 20161002

Allender, M.C., E. Hileman, J.A. Moore, and S. Tetzlaff. 2016. Detection of Ophidiomyces, the causative agent of snake fungal disease, in the eastern massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus) in Michigan. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 52: 694-698.


Moore, J.A., R. Xu, K. Frank, H. Draheim, and K.T. Scribner. 2015. Social network analysis of mating patterns in American black bears (Ursus americanus). Molecular Ecology doi: 10.1111/mec.13290.

Q. Sha, P. Singh, D. Lacher, J. del Valle, L. Ouellette, J.A. Moore, K. Scribner, and S.D. Manning. 2015. Characterization of enteropathogenic and Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in cattle and deer sharing a pasture. Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology doi: 10.3389/fcimb.2015.00029 

Locher, A., K. Scribner, J.A. Moore, B. Murphy, and J. Kanefsky. 2015. Influence of landscape features on spatial genetic structure of white-tailed deer in human-altered landscapes. Journal of Wildlife Management 79(2):180–194


Moore, J.A., H.M. Draheim, D. Etter, S. Winterstein and K.T. Scribner. 2014. Application of large-scale parentage analysis for investigating natal dispersal in highly vagile vertebrates: a case study of American black bears (Ursus americanus). PLOS One 9(3): e91168. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0091168.


Refsnider, J.M., C.H. Daugherty, S.S. Godfrey, S.N. Keall, J.A. Moore, and N.J. Nelson. 2013. Patterns of nesting migrations in the tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus), a colonially nesting island reptile. Herpetologica 69: 282-290.

Leafloor, J.O., J.A. Moore and K.T. Scribner. 2013. A hybrid zone between Canada geese (Branta canadensis) and cackling geese (B. hutchinsii). Auk 130(3):487-500.


Miller, KA, HC Miller, JA Moore, NJ Mitchell, A Cree, FW Allendorf, SD Sarre, SN Keall, and NJ Nelson. 2012. Securing the demographic and genetic future of tuatara through assisted colonization. Conservation Biology 26(5):790-798. 

Jones, PC, RB King, RL Bailey, ND Bieser, K Bissell, H Campa III, T Crabill, MD Cross, BA Degregorio, MJ Dreslik, FE Durbian, DS Harvey, SE Hecht, BC Jellen, G Johnson, BA Kingsbury, MJ Kowalski, J Lee, JV Manning, JA Moore, J Oakes, CA Phillips, JM Refsnider, KA Prior, JD Rouse, J Sage, RA Seigel, DB Shepard, CS Smith, TJ Vandewalle, PJ Weatherhead, A Yagi. 2012. Rangewide analysis of eastern massasauga survivorship. Journal of Wildlife Management. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.418

Ramstad, KM, JA Moore, and JM Refsnider. 2012. Intrasexual aggression in tuatara: males and females respond differently to same-sex intruders. Herpetological Review 43(1):19-21.

Moore, JA, AM Kamarainen, KT Scribner, C Mykut and H Prince. 2012. Investigating the effects of anthropogenic alteration of nesting habitat on rates of extra pair fertilization and intraspecific brood parasitism in Canada Geese. Ibis 154(2):354-362.



Doody, JS and JA Moore. 2010. Conceptual model for thermal limits on the distribution of reptiles. Herpetological Conservation and Biology (Proceedings of 6th World Congress of Herpetology) 5(2): 283-289.


Nelson, NJ, JA Moore, S Pillai, and SN Keall. 2010. Thermosensitive period for sex-determination in the tuatara. Herpetological Conservation and Biology (Proceedings of 6th World Congress of Herpetology) 5(2): 324-329.

Godfrey, SS, JA Moore, NJ Nelson, and CM Bull. 2010. Social network structure and parasite infection patterns in a territorial reptile, the tuatara (Sphenodon punctatus). International Journal for Parasitology 40: 1575-1585.


Herrel, A, JA Moore, E Bredeweg, and NJ Nelson. 2010. Sexual dimorphism, body size, bite force and male mating success in tuatara. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 100: 287-292.


Moore, JA, T Grant, D Brown, SN Keall and NJ Nelson. 2010. Mark-recapture accurately estimates census for tuatara, a burrowing reptile. Journal of Wildlife Management 74(4): 897-901.


Godfrey, SS, JA Moore, NJ Nelson, and CM Bull. 2010. Unravelling causality from correlations: revealing the impacts of endemic ectoparasites on a protected species (tuatara). Parasitology 137: 275-286.

Moore, JA, CH Daugherty and NJ Nelson. 2009. Large male advantage: phenotypic and genetic correlates of territoriality in tuatara. Journal of Herpetology 43(4): 570-578.


Miller, KA, NJ Nelson, HG Smith and JA Moore. 2009. How do reproductive skew and founder group size affect genetic diversity in reintroduced populations? Molecular Ecology 18: 3792-3802. (featured in Molecular Ecology’s News and Views section)


Moore, JA, CH Daugherty, SS Godfrey and NJ Nelson. 2009. Seasonal monogamy and multiple paternity in a wild population of a territorial reptile (tuatara). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 98: 161-170.


Miller, HC, JA Moore, NJ Nelson, and CH Daugherty. 2009. Influence of MHC genotype on mating success in a free-ranging reptile population. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B 276: 1695-1704.


Miller, HC, JA Moore, FW Allendorf, and CH Daugherty. 2009. The evolutionary rate of tuatara revisited. Trends in Genetics 25 (1):13-15. 

Moore, JA, HC Miller, CH Daugherty, and NJ Nelson. 2008. Fine-scale genetic structure of a long-lived reptile reflects recent habitat modification. Molecular Ecology 17: 4630-4641.


Chapple, DG, MN Hutchinson, B Maryan, M Plivelich, JA Moore, and J. S. Keogh. 2008. Evolution and maintenance of colour pattern polymorphism in Liopholis (Squamata: Scincidae). Australian Journal of Zoology 56: 103-115.


Refsnider, J, JA Moore, and H Streby. 2008. Sphenodon punctatus (Common tuatara): Prey detection.  Herpetological Review 39(3): 347-348.


Moore, JA, BD Bell and WL Linklater. 2008. The behavior in conservation debate: New Zealand integrates theory with practice. Bioscience 58 (5): 454-459.


Moore, JA, NJ Nelson, SN Keall, and CH Daugherty. 2008. Implications of social dominance and multiple paternity for the genetic diversity of a captive-bred reptile population (tuatara). Conservation Genetics 9 (5):1243-1251. 

Moore, JA, JM Hoare, CH Daugherty and NJ Nelson. 2007. Waiting reveals waning weight: monitoring over 54 years shows a decline in body condition of a long-lived reptile (tuatara, Sphenodon punctatus). Biological Conservation 135: 181-188.


Moore, JA and S Godfrey.  2006.  Sphenodon punctatus (common tuatara): Opportunistic predation.  Herpetological Review 37(1): 81-82.


Moore, JA and JC Gillingham. 2006. Spatial ecology and multi-scale habitat selection by a threatened rattlesnake: the eastern massasauga (Sistrurus catenatus catenatus). Copeia 2006 (4): 742 -751.



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